Super easy and healthy snacks ready any time of day! Helps you and your family make better snack choices.

Feels like we are always searching for snacks so I decided to create a shelf in the fridge that had some quick and healthy choices. Working from home I often am looking for a snack during the day and when my son gets home from school he is on the hunt as well. We were more likely to grab something packaged and less healthy becasue it was quick. Creating this healthy snack shelf has been a game changer! My son came home the other day and said “Oh YES!!! The snack shelf got restocked!!”

Let’s talk storage! I have a collection of small containers. I chose glass because we are trying to eliminate eating out of plastic as much as possible. I found those 4″ square containers at TJMAxx for under $3 each.

I choose vegetables and fruit that we already buy and enjoy normally. Washing and cutting up everything seems to make it all more likely to be eaten vs. ending up moldly or mushy in the vegetable drawer.

Washing and cutting your fruit is a bit of a labor of love for yourself and your family but it’s been totally worth it for us. If we don’t eat these as snacks then I just add it to the dinner plate before anything gets too old in the fridge.

Aren’t these fruit bowls just delicous looking!! This is just one idea for snacks. The possibilites are endless. Not all the snacks are refridgerated – I make some nut and dried fruit ones also.

Cut cucumbers & Snap Peas
Cut celery & carrots. If you store them in clean water they will stay hydrated and crunchy!

Crunchy cut cucumbers

Cut small squares of sharp cheddar cheese and organic dried cherries
Organic dried cherries and organic walnut halves